lisa rangel

Job Search Planning

Get Off My Lawn! Fighting to Prove Ageism Exists

I have one reader who strongly insists that ageism exists. He told me about one particular interview he had where he was very credentialed and extremely qualified for the role. He said the company told him after the interview, “I don’t think you will fit in wit And if the company said it exactly this […]

Career Advice

14 Strategies to Maximize Your Next Pay Raise

Effectively asking for a raise and negotiating a significant salary increase is no easy feat in today’s uncertain economy.  Frankly, how to negotiate a salary increase is a professional skill everyone needs to master. When you want a raise, the best way is to plan for the raise…don’t just ask out of the blue.  There […]

Interview Preparation

8 Insights into HR’s Mind When You Are Being Interviewed

Inside the mind of a hiring manager is a desirable place to be, if you are a job seeker.  Specifically, job seekers want to know what goes on inside the mind of a recruiter before, during and after an interview. The Job Landing Academy has over 80 years of collective search firm recruiting, corporate recruiting, […]